
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Transdesign Haul

So, this is the first time that I've made an order from Transdesign, and I'm quite pleased with the quick shipping. I placed my order late Saturday & it was on my doorstep early Thursday afternoon. Unfortunately, today was a rainy mess & this was the sopping-wet box that I came home from work to find:

Still, the packing peanuts protected everything, and here's what was inside:

The entire Retro Diva collection =) I couldn't help myself, it doesn't happen that often that I actually like an entire collection. Top & Bottom left to right: Stroll, Thunderbird, Drive In, Street Racing, Free Love, Cruisin', Short & Sassy, Cords, Let's Groove, Stella, Skate Night, Far Out.

You didn't think I could stop there, did you? I mean, online hauls are kind of serious. If I'm going to pay for shipping I feel kind of entitled to splurge a little more:

Misa: Burnished Bronze, Disco Queen, Sorry Just Can't Help It, Shop Til U Drop. China Glaze Custom Kicks collection: Sky High Top, Entourage, Paper Chasing. OPI Designer Series: Passion, Illuminate & Limited.

So lots of great polish! Oh, and did I mention the Barielle haul that's on it's way? After that I might go on a no-buy ... or a buy-not-so-much ... or maybe just a no-online-buying, since those are the real big hauls. And after my other package comes, there's really not anything (much) that I want (need).

Thanks for reading =)



  1. Ooooooh. Good stuffies! I love it. I am so excited for my packages! I'll have to wait a while to order the Barielles that I want, along with the BB Couture, but I think I got a bunch of goodies regardless. Did I tell you that Transdesign still has At Your Quebec and Call! I had it in my shopping cart and had to put that page aside, as I'd ordered too much already. Meep.

  2. It's so hard to resist sometimes. :-) Looks good, can't wait to see the pics.

  3. What a great haul you did there !!! You chose such a beatiful colors !
    I suppose to get my order from Transdesign this week - I love ordering from them.

    Have fun with all your new polishes and I can't wait to see your swatches :-)

  4. I totally agree with you Colette. Since I'm paying all that postage I'm entitled to buy all that I can! Love Transdesign. I have to visit them and buy up all I can! I wish I could do that. Swatching commence!

  5. NICOLE - LOL I know what you mean, it's so easy to look at your shopping cart & wonder how some of the items ended up in there =)

    DENNY - I only have so much willpower =)

    DANICA - More than enough LOL =)

    TULI - It was the first time I ordered from them & was impressed with how quick they were

    LUCY - If I won the lottery, I would probably buy one of every polish ever just because I could =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)