
Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday Post-A-Thon: The Food

Just a quick interlude with a bite of deliciousness to tease you guys with =) This is Baker's Square pie of the month, the Cool & Creamy Dream Orange Pie:

Which is actually just about as pretty in real life & I can confirm as tasty as it looks =P I had a "Frequent Pie-er" card that said it expired in 2007 but I was very polite to the cashier & she took it for me, so my pie was FREE:

Mmmm, available through the end of the month, I recommend going to get your own =) Thanks for reading ... or maybe just drooling?



  1. AQUAHEART - It was super-yummy =)

  2. I am drooling all over my keyboard. Nice cashier!

  3. LUCY - she really was, I'm glad I made the attempt since it worked =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)