
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kaleidoscope NOTD

I'm busy, but I had just enough time to edit pics so I'm going to throw them up here before I get any further behind. I'm no longer wearing this, but here is China Glaze Let's Do It In 3D from the Kaleidoscope collection:

I've got hauls, I've got guest NOTD, I've got books, I've got product reviews ... what I do not have is time LOL. I'll try to fit some more posts in. Until then, thanks for reading.



  1. That is gorgeous! Your photps are gret as well. I don't have this one but I love it!

    And I know what you mean about not enough time - I am soooo behind on everyone's blogs.

  2. Wow, wow wow. This is on my list of must haves, and it's because it is SO DARNED GORGEOUS! Love it on you.

  3. I have this color too! It's sooooo sparkly in person. lol

  4. This is the most gorgeous polish. Looks beautiful on your long nails. I can see all the lovely colors flashing. Terrific pictures.

  5. HELEN - Thanks =) Today is my designated day to play catchup LOL

    NICOLE - Thank you =)

    DENNY - =) The pics never quite do it justice

    LUCY - Thank you =)

  6. Oh my gosh, I'm mesmerized! It is so gorgeous!


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)