
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's My Birthday!

I thought it was kind of going to suck, I was feeling all old & stuff but as of right now it's kind of awesome! =)

I'll have lots of pics later, of my Bday NOTD & also of my cubicle at work - which I came in to find decorated in streamers & balloons =) Then I got cards, and gifts (including polish!), and a customized cake! This on top of wearing a polish I've been planning as my bday mani for like a month - Nubar's Indigo Illusion. So stay tuned for lots & lots of pics when I get home to post them!

Hope you have day that rocks as much as mine is! ...back to work now LOL. Thanks for reading =)



  1. happy bdai hunni
    hope u get spoilt =D

  2. Happy Birthday to you Colette!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday. Enjoy your cake. Looking forward to your birthday pictures.

  3. Happy Birthday! I hope you have an incredibly wonderful day. :-)

  4. Happy Birthday! Glad you're having a good day and looking forward to seeing some pics!

  5. Happy Birthday! Sounds like it started off well, hope it continues to be awesome. :-)

  6. Happy birthday Colette! cant wait to see your b-day NOTD :)

  7. A very happy b-day to you colette, hope it goes on as great as it started :o)

  8. Happy Birthday! I hope it continues to be AWESOME!! :)

  9. Happy Birthday my fellow Cancer!!! Mine will be on this Thursday. I'm glad to hear your day is going well. Enjoy the rest of it and I can't wait to see the pics.

  10. Happy Birthday! :) ♦♥♦♥

  11. Happy birthday! :D

    I think your blog is great, so i added it to my blogroll. :)

  12. Happy Birthday Colette! :D
    Can't wait to see pics!

  13. Have a super purple happy birthday..( just guessing it's your fav color? probably rockin the purple looK)
    have fun, eat cake!

  14. Thanks so much everyone for all the great well-wishes! I did have a great day & all your kind thoughts were part of it =)


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)