
Sunday, May 3, 2009

NOTD: Neon Dots

So, I decided to try something a little different, and it turned out almost exactly as I imagined, but I'm not in love with it. I used Color Club's Pure Energy & Ultra Violet. I included a pic of my right hand, since this was freehand and I was pretty happy how both sides turned out:

Unless it starts growing on me & I suddenly fall in love, this will probably come off tomorrow. Although it was kind of fun to play with my dotting tool. The Ultra Violet came out kind of pink in the pics, but I am going to tag it as a purple (since it's got violet in the name). Just barely though, and it would probably lose the battle if not for the blue sheen (that did not come across very well in the pics) that pushes it a little further from fuchsia.

I also did my toes ... blue again LOL but a different blue, brighter; China Glaze Blue Sparrow (Neon). I apologize for the so-so cleanup:

Flowers are popping up all over the place in the garden, so I took a few pics while I was outside getting my sun shots:

That's all for now - thanks for reading =)



  1. I love your polka dot mani! It's very cute but I am biased because I absolutely adore polka dots!

  2. I love the mani!! Ultra violet is such a gorgeous color ;) Blue Sparrow is nice too.

  3. What a cute design you did :-) I love the colors you chose and it turned out very beautiful.
    Blue Sparrow is on my next order list and now I see it looks good on toes
    And those flowers are so beautiful ! it makes you happy to see flowers poppings everywhere, isn't it ? Thank you for sharing :-)

  4. You did a great job with the dotting tool. I love the disign and colors your chose, very nice. I always enjoy your pictures of flowers, too.

  5. I really like those little dots - subtle but really fun. Love the colors too! :-)

  6. Thanks for the flower pics Colette. I adore flowers. I love your mani! The colors are beautiful and I like your design. You've given me so many ideas. Love Blue Sparrow, looks cute.

  7. ADOREPINK - Thanks! It was the first time I seriously used my dotting tool & it came out just like it was in my head =)

    VANESSA - Thanks!

    TULI - Thanks - yes, flowers & sunshine instantly put me in a good mood, after a long day at work there's nothing better than being able to relax outside.

    MARY - Thanks! I had tried dotting with an unbent paper clip, and it worked OK, but the "real" tool seems to work much better for me.

    JAMIE - Thanks!

    LUCY - You're welcome, and I'm always glad to be an inspiration =) Thanks!


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)