
Monday, April 20, 2009

Icing NOTD

So, I literally could not wait to wear this polish. It was hard to capture properly in a pic but taken all together these come close. And there's plenty of them since I ♥ Icing Blackout. I highly recommend clicking to enlarge & see the true beauty of this polish:

This is from my haul just this past weekend, as soon as I got it I kind of knew that it would be my next mani. I literally had to run outside to catch the 5 mins of sun that was all to be had all day long here, but it was worth it for the pics.

Thanks for reading.



  1. Wow, it looks like a night galaxy with little colored stars! That is really stunning. I have no Icings, I've never seen them anywhere. I'll have to track this one down.

  2. MARY - They sell the polish in the Icing store, I'm not sure if they carry it anywhere else. Icing is basically Claire's for grown-ups, and the store I found was in the mall right around the corner from the Claire's.

  3. oooh, I've seen Blackout...but how many coats did you use? It looks awesome; I might have to pick up a bottle now!

  4. This polish is to die for!! Great pics !

  5. How can I get this with no Icing stores in sight?

  6. THE ASIAN GIRL - I did 2 coats, then went over the tip again (where the nail line looked like it could be an issue) then one more coat to even everything out.

    VELVET - Thanks!

  7. FORD88GIRL - Unfortunately I don't know of any websites that carry this, but I'm thinking it may show up on eBay? I dont have an account but they have everything else on there LOL.

  8. That is looking beautiful on you. I love all the flashes of shimmering goodness in that polish. Like it lots!

  9. This is spectacular! Like Mary said; like a night galaxy with little colored stars! Me likey :)

  10. Oh dag, I have to have this. Fantastic pictures...must hunt this down!!!

  11. This is fly! I didn't like the Icing polishes I bought for my daughter, but I must say this look is hot! I may have to give this one a try.

  12. LUCY - The flashy glittery goodness is so hard to catch on film, but I'm getting pretty good at taking purposely out of focus shots to try & show it LOL.

    VANESSA - Thanks =)

    CLOCKWORK - Good hunting =) I have to admit it was the last bottle at the store I stopped at.

    THE PRETTY BROWN GIRL - This is the first Icing polish I've ever tried, and if it weren't for the sale I probably would not have picked up the 2nd - seemed to me like regular Claire's had Icing beat as far as color selection went.

  13. That is absolutely gorgeous - I can see why you love it! Stunning...

  14. THis looks so great on your nails! I envy your nails girl, they are the perfect length that I like - long! This color looks so shiny and gorgeous on you - I love this :)

  15. I checked my stash last night and I have this color, whooo hoooo!! Now I just need to get the long nails :)

  16. beautiful on your nails! terrible now I want it lol

  17. JAMIE - Thanks!

    BROOKE - Thanks - they are almost my perfect length - which at this point is a bit too long for me to type comfortably LOL. I've never had them reliably this long, I feel like I need to practice some everyday stuff to accomodate them.

    Glad you have this so you don't have to go searching! Can't wait to see it once your nails are at your perfect length =)

    SAKURA - =) Thanks!

  18. Girl!!!! Holy Moly, this is an awesome color!!!! I'm sorry that I am just reading this post. I have now added you to my daily blog list so I don't miss a thing. lol

  19. Girl!!!!!!!! Holy cow this is a bad a** color on you. Sorry that I am just reading this post. I have added you to my daily blog list so that I don't miss another awesome post. Thank you for sharing your super duper pics.

  20. DENNY - This was a great color, it was irresistable from the moment I saw it =)

  21. I love this! The sad thing is that I found two different formulas at the time I was in Icing. The one I bought had less holo glitters so it looks like I'll be going back soon!

  22. SNEA - thanks! I didn't know there were 2 versions when I got this, I'm happy with mine but I'm really not sure which version it is


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