
Friday, April 17, 2009

Big Lots Haul

I was actually looking for some more of the body butter that's been working miracles getting my feet ready for sandals, but of course they were out of that. I went over to the polish without too many expectations ... but was pleasantly surprised:

Kitty toes in the corner =) Top row left to right: Golden Glimmer, Fireside Glow, Mauve Twinkle, Crimson Sparkle, Lilac Beam, Purple Twilight. Bottom row: Red Velvet, Holiday Bubbly, Golden Glimmer (again), Cocoa Shimmer.

Every time I get discount polish, I curse whoever put together these little two-packs. Trying to get all the colors I want without duplicates is usually impossible, so I'm reduced to deciding which color I want a duplicate of. On this occasion it was the Golden Glimmer. I have plans to start frankening once I get a hold of some bottles, so I thought gold would be a good color to have extra of for that. Thanks for reading.



  1. I love Big Lots! I own all of those colors with the exception of the Red Velvet/Holiday Bubbly package. My BL just got Dark Pleasures and Sweet Nothings too, but they're in single packages.

  2. Great haul! Purple Twilight looks really gorgeous :)

  3. makes me with there was a Big Lots near me :) Excellent haul!

  4. Yes....I know what you mean about the two packs,grrr! Looks like you got some nice colors though.

  5. I need to check out my Big Lots. Love the 'kitty' toes! Great looking haul.

  6. Lucky you! Great colors. It is a pain when you have to buy doubles of a shade. That happened to me at a dollor store. Thankfully it was a color I loved and would like a backup of.

  7. THE ASIAN GIRL - I wish they would put everything in single packages, instead of the 2, 3 or the gigantic 10-pack I got.

    VANESSA - I agree, I think it will be the first from this group that I try.

    CLOCKWORK - I wish we had more, there are 2 close to me & they always have slightly different stock.

    VELVET - I stood there picking up & discarding duos until I had the best combination =)

    MARY - I think it's so funny how she always tries to get in the polish pics, so I don't usually crop her out.

    LUCY - I'll usually take a dupe any day at a dollar store after leaving whatever other polish it's packet wiht =)

  8. Can I get those Kitty toes at big lots too?? I love the nosey kitty's getting in all the pics!! I need to go by Big Lots come May.

  9. BROOKE - LOL maybe that's how I can make my fortune! Kitty Toes In A Box!


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