
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Maybelline TOTD

So, my improved application skills that I've recently developed for my mani are unfortunately not carrying over to the pedi. And I'm not feeling the greatest so I didn't bother with much cleanup. But I really like the color, so I wanted to share. Maybelline Express Finish Blue Riders:

This was a Dollar Tree find a while ago. Going to do my nails today too but not until later, because I still haven't quite decided what color they're going to be. Until then, thanks for reading.



  1. That's such a pretty blue, don't think I've ever seen that Maybelline before. Looks like a perfect denim blue. Hope you feel better!

  2. I wish my dollar tree would get a blue that color! Looks good on you!

  3. BODY & SOUL - I agree, it's just about the perfect blue - it won out over 7 other blues that I was considering for my pedi. I do feel better today, thanks =)

    VELVET - Thanks!

  4. I like that blue! It looks really nice on you too.

  5. BROOKE - Thanks! My friend has been teasing me about posting pics of my pedi, but I told her she's in the minority according to my poll LOL.

  6. Nice pedi! I have to start doing my toenails very soon. I haven't done them in years. Polished them that is! I always take care of them. Nothing grosser than uncared for feet.

  7. LUCY - I agree, although I find myself expanding my regimen now that I'm actually posting close-up pics rather than just looking down at them from a normal distance!


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