
Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Learning Curve & The Search Continues

So, at first I couldn't firgure out why my pictures weren't links you could click for a bigger image. After some searching & experimentation, I discovered that when I import them & then move them around in "Compose" mode for whatever reason the portion of html code that makes them linkable dissapears. If I want them clickable, I need to cut & past the code in "Edit Html" mode.

Great! Yeah ... sorta. Because then my pics were clickable but they were seriously GINORMOUS.

So I started trying to figure out what was causing this, because it's irritating to me, even though most people probably don't notice - was it because of the resolution I'm shooting my pics at? Because I select large when I upload (but I thought that just effected how big it appeared within the blog?). It's kind of behind the scenes stuff, but it's the kind of stuff that makes me feel like a noob.

But today we had SUNSHINE & so the perfect opportunity to experiment with my camera settings while getting some pics of Shattered in the sun. And I'm happy to report I was right, and so now I know how to have clickable pics that are a little more reasonably sized. Like this:

Old Setting (click to enlarge A LOT):

New Setting (click to enlarge a more reasonable amount):

Even the smaller one is still pretty big, almost too big really. I can see every single bad thing huge as well as all the good stuff. More inspiration to improve my technique I suppose.

Unfortunately, shopping has had the normal results of when I came home I noticed I had chipped a few nails. And my tolerance for chips, which used to be pretty high, has taken a nosedive & now even though I'm still loving this color I think I have to take it off.

Shopping itself did not go as planned, but still turned out pretty good. I got a new watch, which I've been needing, then I went to a couple CVSs, looking for the Barielle Shades polish (I am currently particularly lemming the green, but the other colors are also gorgeous) and I came up empty on that front but I did find a couple of Sally Hansens to make me feel better & a Revlon:

From left to right: SH Flair, SH Glow, Revlon Silver Screen.

So even though I the search for Barielle continues, I'm happy enough with what I got for now. Thanks for reading.



  1. Love the pictures and love the mani! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. SUSAN - Glad you enjoyed them & thanks for commenting!

  3. Hey :D
    I've tryied to do it but ! The polish wount spreed :(
    why not ??


Thanks for commenting! I will read every comment, and try to respond to any questions =)