
Saturday, February 27, 2016

5th Annual Water Marble March: Viewer's Choice!

OK, if you didn't see my video announcing this year's Water Marble March, here it is:

And I got a ton of suggestions!  Enough that I think I'll definitely have to do this again sometime.  BUT ... while I am almost sure I've used polls on Facebook in the past, apparently they've changed things and so I'm not polling there - I'm polling here on my good ole' blog =) 

The poll is at the very top of my right sidebar (If you're on mobile, select "view web version" to see the sidebar).  You can choose more than one answer, so please vote and the top 4 choices I will do next month!  The poll will be open through the end of the day MONDAY 2/29/16.

Any questions let me know but I'm kind of rolling with the punches LOL.  I only about 75% know what I'm doing =)

Thanks for reading.


Monday, February 15, 2016

2016 Winter Carnival Orchid Show

The Marjorie McNeely Conservatory at Como is always one of my favorite places, but this orchid show was really amazing.  Almost every single flower I looked at was an inspiration for a manicure, whether in pattern or just the color combination.  

The orchids were mostly set up on tables that were placed throughout the various gardens and in some of the hallways.  Here are some of my favorites:

It was quite crowded, but worth it to see these beauties =)

Next up after this I'll be getting back to posting some nail pictures, and I think I'm going to try and go back to where I left off and work though my old stuff... I know there's a ton, I'm just not sure exactly how much LOL.

Thanks for reading.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

TC Summit 2015

It was on my vacation to San Francisco this past October that I really decided to quit my job.  So I guess it's kind of fitting that I dust off the blog with a post about that.

The entire trip wasn't actually a vacation, but I got in a good amount of tourist-y stuff and actually took more pictures than I did my last couple of trips.  Some of you may know that I'm a Top Contributor on Google's Help Forums, and every 2 years they host a global Summit in California where we all fly in and get together.  2013 was in San Jose, this one was right in San Francisco.

I flew in Monday the 19th and my room was at the Hilton Union Square on the 32nd floor and I had a view of downtown and in the distance the Golden Gate Bridge (not visible in this pic):

There was a welcome gala the first night at the Hotel Nikko (where some of the other TCs were staying), then Tuesday was at Fort Mason, which was a great presentation space inside but also really cool outside during breaks with a better view of the bridge as well as Alcatraz:

Lunch came from a fleet of food trucks - check out the official vid!  If you have a sharp eye you can spot me at 0:48 and 1:40:

Tuesday night's dinner was at Ruby Skye, with live music and dancers, then come Wednesday most of the TC's headed to the Googleplex, but YouTube still has separate offices and that's where my group headed.

Then later afternoon we went to Garfield Park for closing celebration:

Thursday a lot of people flew out but I planned ahead and gave myself a few extra days, so I was able to explore the city with a couple of  friends.  We headed up to Haight Ashbury, and saw a ton of cool stuff on the way, including a lot of graffiti art:

It wasn't until we were up there - way, WAY up there, seriously the hills in SF are crazy - that I asked Dan WHY we were up there.  Which was to see the Grateful Dead House:

Back down all the hills we'd just climbed, with a stop at Buena Vista Park which was really cool but another place of steep hills ... so high I realized when we got back I could see it from my hotel room!

Friday we set out for another hike, down (after first going UP again) to Fisherman's Warf.  On the way we detoured past the California Masonic Temple as well as a really cool church before we actually got down to the Warf for lunch.  

We were going to do Alcatraz but it was sold out until Sunday - so right there we started planning for the next Summit!  I also would love to see Muir Woods, and the Golden Gate Bridge close up since I only got to see it from a distance.

Saturday morning we all trekked down to the BART, then flew home again ... at least there wasn't any snow waiting for me in MN ... of course Mother Nature has since made up for that.

I definitely will be posting more here going forward.  It's one of the things I'm most looking forward to having more time for.

Thanks for reading =)
