
Monday, December 31, 2012

Hauls Catchup Post

So, I did this before when I realized how far behind I was with "real" haul posts, i.e. haul posts with close up bottle pictures.  & I am obviously very far behind again so here's another load of haul vids, but I AM going to do a real post for my Christmas haul, because I want to include the names of all the polishes I just referred to by number in the vid.  So here are my haul vids since around September.

Some Ulta & Target hauls:

My rather large BOGO from Ulta Butter London haul:

L'Oreal Project Runway haul:

Color Club Halo Hues and some other stuff hauls from Head2Toe Beauty:

The Zoya Ornate collection as well as the Gilty Pleasures Trio:

A Walgreens haul:

And OPI's The Man with the Golden Gun as well as the other colors I picked from the Skyfall collection:

So, as I said I'll work on a "real" haul post for the Christmas haul which is mostly Layla & China Glaze with a few other polishes.

Thanks for reading.


Thursday, December 27, 2012


So, the holidays turned out pretty dang good after all =)  This isn't the best pic of my new 2010 300 but I think you get the idea:

So I am pretty happy with that, had a great Christmas & now an actual 4-day weekend coming up for New Years.  I hope you're all having a great holiday too!


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Not Exactly Happy Holidays

Sometimes I forget that not all my blog followers are fans on Facebook, which is where I tend to post quick updates.  I know I've been semi-AWOL again - this is why:

There's a bit more in the post about this on my other blog, which if you want you can check out in the right sidebar.  As you can see, I'm OK, but it's piling a lot of paperwork & extra crap onto my already busy schedule.  I'm attempting to be more organized LOL, but it still feels veeeerrry hectic.  But I will not let it deter me from holiday nails!  Or continuing to catch up here =)  I think I am almost done dealing with insurance, although I've still got to do car shopping in between Christmas shopping.

Thanks for reading.
